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Want to take your Physics knowledge to the next level? This post is for you. We will cover what you can do to learn more about physics, and how this field of study is not only interesting but also fun. Let’s get started! It’s true, physics is a science that seems intimidating and difficult for many people; it’s not the type of thing that we think we may be able to understand or enjoy. However, with these resources and things you can do in order to learn more about physics (and even find some new favorite hobbies!), it won't seem like such a daunting pursuit anymore. You don’t need to love math to enjoy physics. So, what is physics? Physics is the study of matter and energy and how they interact. We typically focus on the simplest building blocks of life: atoms and molecules, which make up all matter, and light and heat, which represent energy. The laws that govern these things are generally applied to many other disciplines such as chemistry and biology. So we may ask: “If we know the rules of how these things interact with one another, can we predict what will happen?” And that leads us to studying the “laws of nature” because there are principles such as gravity or thermodynamics that guide this type of behavior. Physics is a science that is equal parts math and theory. It is a way for us to communicate the natural world in a quantifiable way. Because of this, it does require an appreciation of mathematics. However, you don’t have to be good at math to have fun with physics! So why should you study it? Because physics is everywhere! In fact, there are many people who work in fields outside of the sciences who will tell you that their jobs can be described as “applied physics” or “engineering applied physics”. For example, architecture is the application of physics principles to design something functional and safe. And if you’re a teacher, then you know that the field of education is also full of physics ideas. You should study it because it can open your eyes to new ways of thinking and observing the world around you. It can teach you to take a scientific approach to things and understand how we use this knowledge in our daily lives. So how do we get started? Well, here are some great resources: Physics: Principles with Applications: This book by Halliday, Resnick and Walker is one of the best-selling books on Amazon for Introductory Physics courses. It offers clear explanations and will be a valuable resource throughout your study. The book will be useful for you to begin to do examples with, or even just read through on its own. It’s packed with many great resource ideas that are things that you can do outside of the classroom. Physics for Dummies , by Doug Lowe is an excellent introduction to physics. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. It’s also available on Amazon for your Kindle reader, which makes it easy to read on the go! You can also get this book in print from Amazon . This is another great resource you can check out, but more importantly, get one which is practically designed especially for your needs at this stage of your study! The Nature of Things by Richard P. cfa1e77820